It suddenly
The tiny drops
of happiness
Pulling me
towards the gallery
Adding life to
the minute
The cold
breeze touched my soul
Awakening the
child in me
The hot tea I
Made me feel
the warmth in it
Suddenly a CDI
250 passed
Making me go
crazy all over again
The excitement
was for myself in silence
Trust me, it
made this one of the best moments
These small
little things in life
Matter the
most when I turn back
Today, I
collected one of such kind
To recollect
and cherish this present forever!!
PS: CDI 250 S class is a model of car from Mercedes Benz. Though S Class 320 CDI black is my most fav car in the world. I call 250 as 320's brother ;) and 320 is my boy friend ;) So crazy rite.. but the happiness I gain for those few minutes is immense.