Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Are you really happy???

You get up leisurely at ten
you are alone in your den
You have freedom while cooking
None to dare to share and clean

You have so much money
Not knowing for whom to spend a penny
You get everything with a snap
But no chap to enjoy and chat

You are the boss at work
None to dare to give you a jerk
You are proud to be independent
But none to Pat and appreciate

you say you are happy!!
With everything yet nothing?
Accept everyone with affection
As life is not about perfection

Make sure the challenge is not the distance
Realize there is a reason for everyone's existence!!
The pleasure in having someone is infinite
The happiness that lies in it is ultimate!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Day !!!

It is in the morning seven
 I would be in the heaven
My Dad wakes me up scolding
Reminding of time again and again
I never got to see birds flying
Nor listen to Cuckoo singing
The Dew on the grass is said to be beautiful
I also heard every morning is colorful
I never got to experience these
as I am busy in my dreams

Finally the princess opens her eyes
Making the world feel happy and nice
I would start my first task for the day
That is to remember god and pray
I then check for msgs on my mobile
for which I would reply with a smile
Now its time to get ready
I dress up and become a fairy

Everyday is a routine start
But its my friends who generate the spark
They taught me to laugh, love and Live
From which I learn't to give and forgive
No matter how my day goes
I end up thanking god for the day with a bow
The goddess of sleep then calls me
welcoming me to the wonderful dreams
Next day would start the same way
What I expect is only Fun and Play!!!

My Friends!!

Yeah! Hear I am!
Happy! Excited! Confused!

Loads of love and care
For me from many to Share

What do I expect anymore
May be hugs and Best Wishes
Pleasant words to encourage
Smiling face to Support
Without which my existence would have been difficult!
I love you for being there
and making me happy yet again
We had fights and laughter
And Now I have memories to cheer ever after
You made me gain the confidence
to fight the pain the world offers
Never would I dare to lose You
u r a gift treasured for a life time
I thank God for uniting us
Trust me, we are gonna be separated never ever !
Love you friend!! Love you Loads!!